The project goal was to understand how economic changes were impacting market grocers, particularly looking at consumer behaviour and brand loyalty.

By showcasing things like shifts in consumer loyalty and changes in spending habits over time, the dashboards provided a clear picture of where and how inflation was affecting the market.

The Power BI reports became a go-to resource for stakeholders to understand these economic impacts and adjust strategies to align with shifting consumer behaviours.


I gathered Nielsen data, focusing on key metrics like pricing trends, sales volumes, and consumer demographics. From there, I loaded this data into Power BI and used DAX to build calculations that could isolate the specific impact of inflation on purchasing patterns.

Once the data was prepped, I designed a dynamic and interactive dashboard so stakeholders could drill down into different categories, from trading area, business units, to departments. I set up slicers and filters, making it easy for stakeholders to customize their view and get granular with the data. I wanted the findings to be as actionable as possible, so I used visuals to highlight trends and correlations that would be immediately understandable.


I set up an Azure Databricks workspace to process and analyse Nielsen data for the inflation report, focusing on how inflation was impacting consumer behaviour and brand loyalty. I then developed Databricks notebooks to clean, aggregate, and transform the data. Using Azure Data Factory (ADF), I created an automated pipeline to run the notebooks and store the updated data in Azure Data Lake. This allowed Power BI to automatically refresh the report with the latest insights, providing stakeholders with up-to-date information on the market impacts of inflation. I also monitored the pipeline to ensure everything ran smoothly and addressed any issues that came up.